The University of Edinburgh 3D MAP 학교탐방

에딘버러 대학교 신입학
수업종류 (필수)
수업기간 (필수)


룸타입 및 세부조건
숙박 기간 (선택)




원화 금액은 송금 시 환율에 따라 달라집니다.
학교명 The University of Edinburgh
주소 Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL, UK
지역 스코틀랜드 제공기관 대학교


에딘버러대학교(University of Edinburgh)는 스코틀랜드의 수도 에딘버러에 위치해 있으며, 1582년에 설립되어 영국 전체에서 여섯 번째, 스코틀랜드에서는 네 번째로 긴 역사를 가진 대학교이다.


에딘버러 대학은 스코틀랜드 대학 가운데 유일하게 영국의 아이비리그로 불리는 러셀 그룹과 유럽연구대학연맹에 속해 있다. 

현재 인문, 사회과학, 과학, 공학, 의학, 수의학 분야의 3개 칼리지 아래 22개 학부 및 대학원으로 구성되어있다.

학부로는 법학부, 경영학부, 신학부, 경제학부, 교육학부, 생명의학부, 수의학부, 생물학부, 지구과학부, 정보학부, 물리-천문학부 등이 있다. 

이 중에서도 신학부, 생물학부, 생명의학부는 세계 최고 수준으로 평가받는다. 

입학 경쟁률이 매우 높은 편으로 일반적으로 학부과정 입학경쟁률은 약 12:1 이다.


•​ 세계 22위 랭크, QS World University 2024

•​ 졸업 후 취업 부문 세계 48위 랭크

•​ 전공별 세계 랭킹 : 언어학 4위, 현대 언어학 7위, 사회정책과 행정학 8위, 수의학 8위, 영문학 9위, 예술과 인문학 10위, 교육학 13위, 데이터 사이언스 15위, 해부 생리학 16위, 인류학 16위, 신학/신앙학/종교학 16위, 법학 17위, 지리학 19위, 생물학 20위, 컴퓨터사이언스 20위, 의학 22위, 심리학 26위, 정치학 32위, 수학 36위, 약학 41위    

•​ 31,000여명 재학중  



영국대학교들의 협력단체로서 소속 대학교들은 연구기금을 함께 운영, 분배를 한다. 현재 총 24개의 대학교들이 속하는데

이는 영국내 총 150여개 종합대학교들 중 단 24개에 불과하지만 영국 내 총 연구기금과 계약 자금의 2/3를 차지하고 있다.

러셀그룹 소속 18개의 대학교가 영국 연구기금 순위 상위 20위안에 포함되어 있다. 

소속대학교 : 케임브리지, 옥스퍼드, 런던정경대, 임페리얼 컬리지 런던, 더럼, UCL, 엑시터, 워릭, 버밍엄, 리즈, 맨체스터, 에딘버러, 브리스톨, 글라스고, 노팅엄, 사우스햄튼, 뉴캐슬, 킹스컬리지 런던, 카디프, 리버풀, 요크, 쉐필드, 퀸즈 벨파스트, 퀸메리 런던대학교


에딘버러대학교 졸업생 취업역량 세계 49위

QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

졸업생 취업 역량 랭킹, 전 세계 550여개 대학교 평가


졸업생 취업역량 랭킹을 결정짓는 5개 지표는?

-고용주 평판도  30% (전세계 75,000명의 고용주들의 설문 조사를 바탕)

-졸업생 성공지수 25% (세계를 움직이는 인물들 중 4만명의 출신 학교 분석 )

-대학교 교수진과 고용주와의 협력관계 25% (연구진행, 인턴쉽 연계)

-고용주와 학생의 관계 10% (고용주들의 학교방문, 적극적 정보 제공)

-졸업생 취업률 10%



• ​26개 홀의 6000개의 기숙사 룸 배정

•​ 학부학생들은 ucas 지원 후 킹스컬리지를 firm 초이스 한경우로 5월말까지 기숙사 지원해야 게런티 기숙사 배정

•​ 싱글룸, 트윈룸, 공동욕실, 개인욕실, 스튜디오 등 다양한 옵션 선택 가능


에딘버러 도시

•​ 스코틀랜드의 행정, 문화 중심지

•​ 해류와 편서풍의 영향으로 기후가 온하하며 겨울에는 평균 4도, 여름에는 14도 유지

•​ 49만여명 거주

•​ 매해 8월초부터 9월초까지 열리는 에딘버러 페스티벌. 음악과 연극을 비롯한 각종 행사 진행

•​ 런던 다음으로 소득이 높은 경제도시



파운데이션(아트,인문,법,사회과학) 24/25년
학사 일정 매해9월시작 기본서류 UCAS지원- 영문고교 성적표,자기소개서,추천서
영어 UKVI IELTS 5.5 이상(모든영역 최소5.5이상) 인터뷰 없음
추가서류 없음
코멘트 The International Foundation Programme in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
• 에딘버러대학교 자체 파운데이션 과정으로 Arts, 인문, 사회과학 학부로 진학이 가능
• 파운데이션 과정 마치고 에딘버러대학교 학부 4년과정으로 진학보장
• 파운데이션과정은 매해 9월에 시작하여 다음해 6월 전후로 종료되며 이어서 9월에 학부 1학년으로 진학

1. 4년이내 고등학교 졸업자로 고등학교 원점수 평균 80점이상
Senior High School Diploma with an overall grade of 80%
2. IELTS FOR UKVI 평균 5.5에 모든 영역 5.5이상
지원은 UCAS를 통해 지원해야 한다.

파운데이션 코스 구성
3텀 동안 학생들은 2개의 필수과목과 2개 또는 3개의 선택과목을 공부하게된다.

필수과목(1,2,3텀 공부)
Living and Learning in Britain
Foundation English for Academic Purposes Entry or Plus(플러스는 파운데이션 입학시 IELTS점수가 학부입학요건을 충족했을 경우 배정)
첫번째 텀 옵션과목 : Introducing Philosophy , Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Social Science, Introduction to Art & Design Practice
두번째 텀 옵션과목 : Introduction to Politics, Introducing Cultural Studies, Introduction to Social Anthropology, Reading English Literature, Ideas and Concepts in Art & Design
세번째 텀 옵션과목 : Medieval Scotland, Sustainability and Social Responsibility, Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis, Introduction to International Relations, Archaeology Today


수업 기간 학비(파운드) 학비(원화)
1년 26,500 4,790만원


 The International Foundation Programme in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 마친후 진학보장 학부과정

Accounting and Business (MA) NN14
Accounting and Finance (MA) NN43

Acoustics and Music Technology (BSc) W380
Ancient and Medieval History (MA) V190
Ancient History (MA) V110
Ancient History and Classical Archaeology (MA) VV14
Ancient History and Greek (MA) VQ17
Ancient History and Latin (MA) VQ16
Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations (MA) VV41
Animation (BA) W615
Applied Sport Science (BSc) C610
Arabic (MA) T620
Arabic and Ancient Greek (MA) QQK7
Arabic and Business (MA) TN61
Arabic and Economics (MA) TL61
Arabic and French (MA) TR61
Arabic and History (MA) TV61
Arabic and History of Art (MA) TV63
Arabic and Persian (MA) T621
Arabic and Politics (MA) TL62
Arabic and Religious Studies (MA) R4T8
Arabic and Social Anthropology (MA) LT66
Arabic and Spanish (MA) TR64
Archaeology (MA) V400
Archaeology and Ancient History (MA) VV1A
Archaeology and Social Anthropology (MA) VL46
Architectural History and Archaeology (MA) VVH4
Architectural History and Heritage (MA) VV31
Architecture (BA/MA) K100
Art (BA) W100


Business and Economics (MA) NL11
Business and Geography (MA) NL17
Business and Law (MA) NM11
Business Management (MA) N100
Business with Decision Analytics (MA) NN12
Business with Enterprise and Innovation (MA) N1N2
Business with Human Resource Management (MA) N1N6
Business with Marketing (MA) N1N5
Business with Strategic Economics (MA) N1L1​


Childhood Practice (BA)
Chinese (MA) T100
Chinese and Economics (MA) TL11
Chinese and French (MA) BR31
Chinese and German (MA) BR32
Chinese and History (MA) TV11
Chinese and Italian (MA) TR13
Chinese and Linguistics (MA) TQ11
Chinese and Russian Studies (MA) BR37
Chinese and Spanish (MA) BR34
Classical and Middle East Studies (MA) QT86
Classical Archaeology and Greek (MA) QV84
Classical Archaeology and Latin (MA) VQ46
Classical Studies (MA) Q810
Classics (MA) Q800
Classics and English Language (MA) QQ83
Classics and Linguistics (MA) QQ81
Cognitive Science (Humanities) (MA) C851
Community Education (BA) X320​

Economic History (MA) V300
Economics (MA) L100
Economics and Accounting (MA) LN14
Economics and Mathematics (MA) LG11
Economics and Politics (MA) LL12
Economics and Sociology (MA) LL13
Economics and Statistics (MA) LG13
Economics with Environmental Studies (MA) L1F9
Economics with Finance (MA) L1N3
Economics with Management Science (MA) L1N2
English and Scottish Literature (MA) QQ32
English Language (MA) Q302
English Language and Literature (MA) Q300
English Literature (MA) Q306
English Literature and Classics (MA) QQ38
English Literature and History (MA) QVH1

Fashion (BA) W230
Film and Television (BA) P390
Finance and Business (MA) NN13
Fine Art (5-year programme) (MA) W150
French (MA) R120
French and Business (MA) RN11
French and Classics (MA) QR81
French and English Language (MA) QR31
French and English Literature (MA) RQ13
French and German (MA) RR12
French and History (MA) RV11
French and History of Art (MA) RV13
French and Italian (MA) RR13
French and Linguistics (MA) RQ11
French and Philosophy (MA) RV15
French and Politics (MA) RL12
French and Portuguese (MA) RR15
French and Russian Studies (MA) RR17
French and Scandinavian Studies (MA) RR16
French and Scottish Literature (MA) RQ15
French and Social Policy (MA) RL14
French and Spanish (MA) RR14

German (MA) R220
German and Business (MA) RN21
German and Classics (MA) QR82
German and English Language (MA) QR32
German and English Literature (MA) RQ23
German and History (MA) RV21
German and History of Art (MA) RV23
German and Italian (MA) RR23
German and Linguistics (MA) RQ21
German and Philosophy (MA) RV25
German and Politics (MA) RL22
German and Portuguese (MA) RR25
German and Russian Studies (MA) RR27
German and Scandinavian Studies (MA) RR26
German and Scottish Literature (MA) RQ25
German and Social Policy (MA) RL24
German and Spanish (MA) RR24
Government, Policy and Society (MA) L230
Government, Policy and Society with Quantitative Methods (MA) L231
Graphic Design (BA) W210
Greek Studies (MA) Q700

Health, Science and Society (MA) 2D45
History (MA) V100
History and Archaeology (MA) VV1K
History and Classics (MA) VQ18
History and Economics (MA) V200
History and History of Art (MA) VV13
History and Politics (MA) LV21
History and Scottish History (MA) VV12
History of Art (MA) V350
History of Art and Architectural History (MA) V360
History of Art and Chinese Studies (MA) TV13
History of Art and English Literature (MA) VQ33
History of Art and History of Music (MA) VW33
History of Art and Scottish Literature (MA) VQ35

Illustration (BA) W220
Interior Design (BA) W250
Intermedia Art (BA) W900
International Business (MA) N120
International Business with Arabic (MA) N1T6
International Business with Chinese (MA) N1T1
International Business with French (MA) N1R1
International Business with German (MA) N1R2
International Business with Italian (MA) N1R3
International Business with Japanese (MA) N1T2
International Business with Russian (MA) N1R7
International Business with Spanish (MA) N1R4
International Relations (MA) L250
International Relations and International Law (MA) LM29
International Relations with Quantitative Methods (MA) 2W3A
Islamic Studies (MA) V622
Italian (MA) R310
Italian and Business (MA) RN31
Italian and Classics (MA) QR83
Italian and English Language (MA) QR33
Italian and English Literature (MA) RQH3
Italian and History (MA) RV31
Italian and History of Art (MA) RV33
Italian and Linguistics (MA) RQ31
Italian and Philosophy (MA) RV35
Italian and Politics (MA) LR23
Italian and Portuguese (MA) RR35
Italian and Russian Studies (MA) RRH7
Italian and Scandinavian Studies (MA) RR36
Italian and Scottish Literature (MA) RQ39
Italian and Social Policy (MA) RL34
Italian and Spanish (MA) RR34

Japanese (MA) T210
Japanese and Linguistics (MA) TQ21
Jewellery and Silversmithing (BA) W721

Landscape Architecture (MA) 4J22
Latin Studies (MA) Q600
Law (Graduate Entry) (LLB) M115
Law (Ordinary and Honours) (LLB) M114
Law and Accountancy (LLB) MN14
Law and Business (LLB) MN11
Law and Celtic (LLB) MQ15
Law and Economics (LLB) ML11
Law and French (LLB) MR11
Law and German (LLB) MR12
Law and History (LLB) MV11
Law and International Relations (LLB) ML1F
Law and Politics (LLB) ML12
Law and Social Anthropology (LLB) M1L6
Law and Social Policy (LLB) ML14
Law and Sociology (LLB) ML13
Law and Spanish (LLB) MR14
Linguistics (MA) Q100
Linguistics and English Language (MA) QQ31
Linguistics and Social Anthropology (MA) QL16

Middle Eastern Studies (MA) T600
Music (BMus) W302

Nursing Studies (BN) B700

Painting (BA) W120
Performance Costume (BA) W451
Persian and English Literature (MA) T6Q3
Persian and Middle Eastern Studies (MA) T63H
Persian and Politics (MA) LT26
Persian and Social Anthropology (MA) TL66
Persian Studies (MA) T633
Philosophy (MA) V500
Philosophy and Economics (MA) VL51
Philosophy and English Language (MA) VQM3
Philosophy and English Literature (MA) VQ53
Philosophy and Greek (MA) QV75
Philosophy and Linguistics (MA) VQ51
Philosophy and Mathematics (MA) VG51
Philosophy and Politics (MA) VL52
Philosophy and Psychology (MA) VC58
Philosophy and Scottish Literature (MA) VQ55
Philosophy and Theology (MA) VV56
Photography (BA) W640
Physical Education (MA) XC61
Politics (MA) L200
Politics with Quantitative Methods (MA) 8M9D
Portuguese (MA) R500
Portuguese and Business (MA) RN51
Portuguese and English Language (MA) RQ53
Portuguese and English Literature (MA) RQM3
Portuguese and History (MA) RV51
Portuguese and History of Art (MA) RV53
Portuguese and Linguistics (MA) RQ51
Portuguese and Philosophy (MA) RV55
Portuguese and Politics (MA) RLM2
Portuguese and Russian Studies (MA) RR57
Portuguese and Scandinavian Studies (MA) RR56
Portuguese and Scottish Literature (MA) RQ59
Portuguese and Social Policy (MA) RL54
Primary Education with Gaelic (Fluent Speakers) (MA) 3T59
Primary Education with Gaelic (Learners) (MA) 3R67
Product Design (BA) W240
Psychology (BSc) C802
Psychology and Business (MA) CN81
Psychology and Economics (MA) CZ81
Psychology and Linguistics (MA) CQ81

Religious Studies (MA) V627
Religious Studies and English Literature (MA) VQ63
Religious Studies and Scottish Literature (MA) V6Q3
Russian Studies (MA) R700
Russian Studies and Business (MA) RN71
Russian Studies and Classics (MA) RQ78
Russian Studies and English Language (MA) QR37
Russian Studies and English Literature (MA) RQ73
Russian Studies and History (MA) RV71
Russian Studies and History of Art (MA) RV73
Russian Studies and Linguistics (MA) RQ71
Russian Studies and Philosophy (MA) RV75
Russian Studies and Politics (MA) LR27
Russian Studies and Scandinavian Studies (MA) RR76
Russian Studies and Scottish Literature (MA) RQ79
Russian Studies and Social Policy (MA) RL74
Russian Studies and Spanish (MA) RR74

Scottish Ethnology (MA) V910
Scottish Ethnology and Archaeology (MA) VV94
Scottish Ethnology and Celtic (MA) VQ95
Scottish Ethnology and English Language (MA) VQ93
Scottish Ethnology and English Literature (MA) VQX3
Scottish Ethnology and Scandinavian Studies (MA) VR96
Scottish Ethnology and Scottish History (MA) VV92
Scottish Ethnology and Scottish Literature (MA) VQ92
Scottish Literature (MA) Q531
Scottish Literature and Classics (MA) QQH8
Scottish Literature and History (MA) QVJ1
Scottish Literature and Scottish History (MA) QV22
Scottish Studies (MA) Q501
Sculpture (BA) W130
Social Anthropology (MA) L600
Social Anthropology and Politics (MA) LL62
Social Anthropology and Social Policy (MA) LL64
Social Anthropology with Development (MA) LL69
Social Policy and Economics (MA) LL41
Social Policy and Law (MA) LM41
Social Policy and Politics (MA) LL42
Social Policy and Sociology (MA) LL43
Social Policy with Quantitative Methods (MA) 4T6H
Social Work (BSc) L500
Sociology (MA) L300
Sociology and Politics (MA) LL32
Sociology and Psychology (MA) LC38
Sociology and Social Anthropology (MA) LL36
Sociology with Quantitative Methods (MA) 5S9K
Spanish (MA) R410
Spanish and Business (MA) RN41
Spanish and Classics (MA) RQ48
Spanish and English Language (MA) QR34
Spanish and English Literature (MA) RQ43
Spanish and History (MA) RV41
Spanish and History of Art (MA) RV43
Spanish and Linguistics (MA) RQ41
Spanish and Philosophy (MA) RV45
Spanish and Politics (MA) RL42
Spanish and Portuguese (MA) RR45
Spanish and Scottish Literature (MA) RQ49
Spanish and Social Policy (MA) RL44
Sport and Recreation Management (BSc) N230
Sustainable Development (MA) HL23

Textiles (BA) J420
Theology (MA) QVV6


파운데이션 기숙사
룸타입 싱글룸 욕실 개인욕실
식사 식사제공/미제공선택 기간 40주/43주
거리 도보 20분거리 체크인 9월초 시작 - 다음해 6월중순 종료
포함내역 전기세, 수도세, wifi, 룸 클리닝
특징 3곳 기숙사 부킹가능. 언컨디셔널 오퍼 발급후 부킹 가능
