The University of Huddersfield 3D MAP 학교탐방

허더스필드 대학교
수업종류 (필수)
수업기간 (필수)


룸타입 및 세부조건
숙박 기간 (선택)




원화 금액은 송금 시 환율에 따라 달라집니다.
24/25년 파운데이션 등록비 260 파운드
학교명 The University of Huddersfield
주소 Queensgate, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 3DH
지역 중북부 제공기관 스터디 그룹


허더스필드대학교는 공립 종합대학교로

영국 리즈에서 30분, 맨체스터에서 40분 소요되는 곳에 위치.

학부 학생들의 100%가 재학중 인턴쉽, 산업 프로젝트, 케이스 스터디를 포함한 프로페셔널 일을 경험하며

HESA student record 20/21 기준으로 인턴쉽은 영국내 TOP 20에 랭크된 바 있다


•​ 총 3개의 캠퍼스로 퀸스게이트(Queensgate), 올덤(Oldham), 반즐리(Barnsley)

​•​ 주 캠퍼스는 퀸스게이트로 허더스필드 도심 남동쪽에 위치.

•​ 약 20,000여명 학생이 재학중

•​ Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) Gold 등급

•​ 졸업 후 96.5% 취업 성공(졸업후 15개월이내)

•​ 100개국에서 온 3200여명의 외국인이 학업중​

•​ 추천 전공 : 건축, 자동차공학, 대중음악, 사회사업, 이벤트 매니지먼트, 서비스, 호텔경영학

•​ 영국 최초 음속연구소 보유. 음대생들을 위한 리사이트 홀, 전기음향 연구 스튜디오, 예술 디자인 스튜디오, 라이브 녹음 시설 제공​

•​ 숙소 : 기숙사는 주당 87~130파운드대로 저렴한 편임


허더스필드 도시

•​ 약 15만여명이 거주. 영국 웨스트 요크셔 지역에 위치

•​ 영국내에서는 11번째로 인구가 많은 도시

•​ 영국 48,50대 2회 영국 총리를 역임한 해러르 윌슨 출생지

•​ 견직물, 모직물 공업이 발달한 도시 



파운데이션 24/25년
학사 일정 매해 9월, 11월, 1월 시작(2학기 기준) 기본서류 여권사본,영문고교 성적표&졸업증명서
영어 IELTS 4.5(모든영역 4.0) 인터뷰 없음
추가서류 없음
코멘트 허더스필드대학교 학부 진학보장 파운데이션
• 허더스필드대학교 내 ISC 센터에서 파운데이션 학업
• 대학교 시설 이용 및 기숙사 신청 가능​

학사 일정(2 semesters)
9월시작 : 9월말 시작 -> 다음해 8월초 종료
11월시작 : 11월말 시작 -> 다음해 8월말 종료(3주 Enhanced Induction 마치고 1월 파운데이션 시작)
1월시작 : 1월중순 시작 -> 8월말 종료

1. 아카데믹 : 고3 내신 평균 6등급 또는 60%, E / 고2 내신 평균 6등급 또는 60-69%, D / 수능 8 등급 / 검정 고시 가능 관련 과목 포함 70% 이상
2. 영어 : IELTS UKVI 4.5 (모든영역 최소 4.0이상)

대학 1학년 입학 전까지 12년 정규 교육을 마친 국가(한국포함) 학생들을 위한 프로그램(영국학생 : 대학교 입학 전까지 13년 정규교육)
파운데이션 때는 학부 전공 관련 기초과목과 아카데믹영어로 구성되어 있다.

진학전공에 따라 아래와같이 총 4가지 파운데이션을 제공되며 그에 따른 수강과목은 아래와 같다.

• International Foundation Year in Art, Media & Architecture
1학기 수강 과목 : Core Maths, Drawing OR Media Campaigns OR Introduction to Humanities, Academic English Skills, Art and Design History
2학기 수강 과목 : Visual and Perceptual Studies Project, Workshop, Academic English Skills, ersonal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)

• International Foundation Year in Business, Management & Law
- Business, Law and Social Studies pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Core Maths, Media Campaigns OR Investigating Business, Academic English Skills (AES)
2학기 수강 과목 : Competitive Business Environment, Legal and Financial Environment, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)
옵션 과목 : Social Sciences in Action, Introduction to Issues in Contemporary Education

-Social and Behavioural Science pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Core Maths, Media Campaigns, Academic English Skills (AES)
2학기 수강 과목 : Competitive Business Environment, Social Sciences in Action, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)
옵션 과목 : Legal and Financial Environment, Investigating Business, Introduction to Issues in Contemporary Education

• International Foundation Year in Engineering, Computing & Science
- Engineering pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Pure Maths, Applied Maths 1, Academic English Skills
2학기 수강 과목 : Physics, Applied Maths 2, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)

- Computing pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Pure Maths, Applied Maths 1, Academic English Skills
2학기 수강 과목 : Physics, Applied Maths 2, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)

- Science pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Pure Maths, Biology, Academic English Skills
2학기 수강 과목 : Physics, Chemistry, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)

• International Foundation Year in Health & Human Science
- Health Sciences pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Pure Maths, Biology, Academic English Skills
2학기 수강 과목 : Human Biology, Social Sciences in Action, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)

- Social and Behavioural Sciences pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Core Maths, Media Campaigns, Academic English Skills
2학기 수강 과목 : Introduction to Humanities, Social Sciences in Action, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)
옵션 수강 과목 : Legal and Financial Environment, Investigating Business, Introduction to Issues in Contemporary Education

- Science pathway 선택시 수강과목
1학기 수강 과목 : Pure Maths, Biology, Academic English Skills
2학기 수강 과목 : Physics, Chemistry, Academic English Skills, Personal Learning and Critical Thinking Skills (PLTS)

파운데이션 -> 학부 진학조건 : 파운데이션 평균 성적 50%(일부전공 60%) + 영어 50%(일부전공 55~60%)


수업 기간 혜택 학비(파운드) 학비(원화)
2학기 ★25년1월시작 장학금£3000 적용★ 12,500 2,207만원
2학기 정상학비 15,500 2,737만원


Art, Media & Architecture 마친 후 진학보장 학부과정
Architectural Technology BA (Hons)
Architecture/Architecture (International) (RIBA Part 1) BA (Hons) 
Broadcast Journalism BA (Hons)
Costume with Textiles BA (Hons)
Creative Media and Production BA (Hons) 
Fashion Marketing BA (Hons)
Film Making BA (Hons) Film Studies BA (Hons)
Graphic Design and Animation BA (Hons) 
Graphic Design BA (Hons), Illustration BA (Hons) 
Interior Design BA (Hons)
Journalism BA (Hons)
Media Studies BA (Hons) Music BMus (Hons)
Music Journalism BA (Hons)
Music Performance BMus (Hons) 
Photography BA (Hons)
Popular Music BMus (Hons)
Product Design BA (Hons)
Screenwriting BA (Hons) 
Sports Journalism BA (Hons)
Television Studies and Production BA (Hons) 
Textiles BA (Hons)


Business, Management and Law 마친 후 진학보장 학부과정
Accountancy and Finance BSc (Hons)
Business and Digital Marketing Management BA (Hons)
Business Economics BSc (Hons) 
Business Management BA (Hons)
Business Management with Finance BA (Hons) 
Business with Hospitality Management BA (Hons) 
Business with Human Resource Management BA (Hons)
Business with Logistics and Supply Chain Management BSc (Hons) 
Economics BSc (Hons)
Education, Human Resource Development and Training BA (Hons) 
Events Management BA (Hons)
Fashion Marketing BA (Hons)
International Business BA (Hons) 
Law and Practice LLB (Hons)
Law and Practice MLaw Law LLB (Hons)
Law with Criminology LLB (Hons) 
Marketing BA (Hons)
Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)
Social Science and Psychology BSc (Hons)

Engineering, Computing & Science 마친 후 진학보장 학부과정
Automotive and Motorsport Engineering BEng (Hons) 
Automotive and Motorsport Engineering MEng Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)
Biology (Molecular and Cellular) BSc (Hons)
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) 
Biomedicine BSc (Hons)
Chemical Engineering and Chemistry BSc (Hons) 
Chemical Engineering BEng
Chemical Engineering MEng (Hons)
Chemistry MChem
Chemistry with Chemical Engineering BSc (Hons) 
Chemistry with Environmental Science BSc (Hons)
Chemistry with Forensic Science BSc (Hons)
Chemistry with Industrial Experience MChem 
Computer Science BSc (Hons)
Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence BSc (Hons)
Computer Science with Cyber Security BSc (Hons)
Computer Science with Games Programming BSc (Hons) 
Computing BSc (Hons)
Electronic and Communication Engineering BEng (Hons) 
Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng (Hons)
Electronic Engineering and Computer Systems BEng (Hons) 
Environmental and Analytical Science BSc (Hons)
Forensic and Analytical Science BSc (Hons) 
Forensic and Analytical Science MSci Geography BSc (Hons)
Human Geography BSc (Hons)
Information Technology BSc (Hons) 
Mechanical Engineering BEng (Hons) 
Mechanical Engineering MEng (Hons) 
Medical Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Medical Biology BSc (Hons) Medical Genetics BSc (Hons)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry BSc (Hons) 
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)
Pharmacy MPharm
Physical Geography BSc (Hons) 
Quantity Surveying BSc (Hons)
Software Engineering BSc (Hons) 
Software Engineering MEng (Hons)
Sound Engineering & Music Production BSc (Hons)

Health & Human Sciences 마친 후 진학보장 학부과정
Biochemistry BSc (Hons) 
Biological Sciences BSc (Hons)
Biology (Molecular and Cellular) BSc (Hons) 
Biomedical Science BSc (Hons) 
Biomedicine BSc (Hons)
Child Nursing BSc (Hons)
Childhood Studies BA (Hons) 
Criminology BSc (Hons)
Early Childhood and Education BA (Hons) 
Education BA (Hons)
English Literature and History BA (Hons) 
English Literature BA (Hons)
English Literature with Creative Writing BA (Hons) 
Film Studies and English Literature BA (Hons) 
Forensic and Analytical Science BSc (Hons) 
Forensic and Analytical Science MSci
Forensic and Analytical Science with Industrial Experience MSci
Health and Social Care BSc (Hons)
Health and Social Care MSc (Hons) History BA (Hons)
Learning Disability Nursing BSc (Hons) 
Medical Biochemistry BSc (Hons)
Medical Biology BSc (Hons) 
Medical Genetics BSc (Hons)
Mental Health Nursing BSc (Hons) 
Midwifery Studies BSc (Hons)
Music BMus (Hons)
Music Journalism BA (Hons)
Music Performance BMus (Hons) 
Natural Sciences BSc (Hons)
Nursing (Adult) BSc (Hons) 
Occupational Therapy BSc (Hons)
Operating Department Practice BSc (Hons) 
Pharmacology BSc (Hons)
Pharmacy MPharm
Physiotherapy BSc (Hons) 
Podiatry BSc (Hons)
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons) 
Psychology with Criminology BSc (Hons)
Social Science and Psychology BSc (Hons) 
Social Work MSc (Hons)
Sport and Exercise Nutrition BSc (Hons) 
Sport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)
Sport and Physcial Education BSc (Hons)


기숙사 IQ - Castings
룸타입 싱글룸 욕실 개인욕실
식사 미제공 기간 44주 또는 51주
거리 도보 10분거리 체크인 학기 시작 전
포함내역 전기세, 수도세, WIFI
특징 파운데이션 학생들은 본 기숙사로 배정
