현지 오리엔테이션 OTC 학생들 2016 화학 올림피아드 금메달 수상

작성자 SAUK Mike
작성일 2016.04.28

OTC 학생 2명이 2016 영국 화학 올림피아드 대회에서 금매달을 수상했습니다.



Two of our Thai students, Phitawat Namnouad (Matt) and Chattawat Thangsrikeattigun (Felix) are both to be congratulated. 

They achieved Gold awards in the 2016 UK Chemistry Olympiad. Their performances in the two hour written paper put them in the top 50 of all 5,822 UK students who entered the demanding competition.


Matt was in the top 25 and would normally have been invited to participate in round two of the UK Olympiad but unfortunately he was not eligible as he has not yet had two years schooling in the UK.