학교 리뷰 ELC 이스트본 여름기간 부킹 현황 23년 5월기준

작성자 SAUK Tess
작성일 2023.05.02

ELC 이스트본 센터 2023년 여름기간 부킹 현황


▶홈스테이 : 7월 2일부터 7월22일까지 홈스테이 부킹 마감. 7월 23일부터 부킹은 가능하나 한정적! 7월 30일부터는 부킹 안정적 

9월 17일부터 9월 30일까지 홈스테이 부킹 마감. 본 기간 희망 시 따로 연락!


▶스튜던트 하우스 : 7월 8일까지 부킹 가능


▶코스는 별도의 제한 없이 부킹 가능




The summer season looks to be a busy one, places are going quickly. I write with a new update: regarding availability in homestay families this year:

Accommodation Availability - summer

1) Homestay  - We have no spaces remaining for homestay family accommodation from Sunday July 2nd to Saturday July 22nd 2023. We have very limited availability from July 23rd but good availability from Sunday 30th July throughout August 2023.
We also have no availability for homestay from September 17th to September 30th  2023. Please contact me if you have any enquiries about long term bookings over this period. 

2) Student House - good availability until July 8th 2023. 

Accommodation Availability - autumn

We also have no availability for homestay for short-term bookings from September 17th to September 30th  2023. Please contact me if you have any enquiries about long term bookings over this period. 

Course Availability

We have good availability for all courses over the Summer.

We have good availability for our Fifty Plus courses starting August 13th. Homestay is not available from 17th September for the last week of the Fifty Plus course but hotels and guest houses are available.