출국전 유학준비반 [2021 영국유학준비반] 10월 화학 + 생물 수업 후기

작성일 2021.11.03





어느새 2022년 1월 시작을 위한 영국유학준비반이 시작되었습니다~


지난 6월 수업이 엊그제 같은데 벌써 11월이 되었네요 :)


이번 수업 과목으로는 금요일엔 물리, 수학, 영어가, 토요일엔 화학과 생물 수업이 진행됩니다.​ 


*코로나 확산 방지를 위해 수업 시작 전 열체크와 QR코드 첵킹을 실시하였으며, 모든 학생분들과 튜터는 마스크를 착용하였습니다.

[이소희 대리 한글 후기] 

10월 30일 토요일, 첫 1주차 수업이 시작되었습니다~

오전엔 화학, 오후엔 생물 수업으로 각각 다른 전문 튜터 선생님과 2시간씩 진행됩니다.


저희 화학, 생물 수업 튜터 선생님의 전공 또한 동일하며~ 티칭 경력이 풍부한 티쳐입니다.^^


토요일반 학생분들은 대부분의 전공이 약대, 간호학과, 심리학과 등이기 때문에 전공에서 과학이 많은 부분을 차지합니다.

모~든 수업을 100% 영어로 진행하기 때문에 우리학생분들이 파운데이션 또는 A레벨을 시작하기 전 굉장한 도움이 되리라 

믿어 의심치 않습니다.!!!!


화학 수업을 듣는 학생들은 모두 열분!

아래는 첫 1주차 수업시간에 받은 과제입니다.​

[튜터 마이크 영문 후기]

I’m so excited to introduce our Science Saturday classes! Our first class was held last weekend on October 30th, which featured chemistry in the morning and biology in the afternoon. Our students were treated to 4 hours of lecture by experienced tutors who have direct knowledge and experience in their respective areas. They majored in life science and medical science.

For Saturday’s classes, all students are in need of science preparation. Many of them will join programs like pharmacy, nursing or psychology. Learning these subjects in English, before the start of their courses, will certainly prove beneficial to their future success.

Chemistry got off to a great start with all 10 students showing up on time!

Here is a sample of their first homework assignment, which they went over in class.​ 




화학수업 튜터 Billy 선생님~


Billy 선생님은 칠레에서 대학교까지 졸업하셔서~

한국인이지만 영어가 더 편하시다는 :)

화학 전공을 하셨고 한국에서 티칭 경험이 많다보니 수업 하시는데에 있어서 굉장한 전문성이 느껴졌다는 점!!~


30분 쉬는 시간 후~ 바로 생물 수업이 시작되었습니다 ^^

본 수업에서 학생분들이 가장 먼저 접했던 부분은 과제로 주어진 diagram였어요.

어떤 종류의 음식이 어떤 고분자에 적합한지에 대해 생각해보는 수업이 진행되었답니다.


After a short break, it was time to begin biology. The first thing students went over was a diagram which was assigned for homework. They were asked to think of what types of foods would fit into different types of macromolecules.




토요반의 두번째 수업은 Biology!~


담당 튜터 선생님은 John으로, 대부분의 인생을 호주에서 보내셨어요~

당연히 모든 수업은 all 영어로 진행이 되었고 아무래도 약대 학생분들이 많다보니

생물 수업을 참여하는 학생분들이 자세가 굉장히 진지해 보였답니다~~~


제 2외국어를 배울 때 역시 흥미로운 주제는 바로~ 음식이죠.

우리 학생분들에게도 재밌는 주제가 아니었을까 싶어요 ㅎㅎ

전반적으로 낯선 첫 수업인데도 한분도 늦지 않고 끝까지 참여해주셔서 감사합니다~ 

이후에도 다양한 피드백 부탁드려요~~~


One of the most fun and interesting topics when we’re learning a second language is always about
food. So, I think students enjoyed this warm up activity! Overall, I think students enjoyed their first week. I typically follow up with students after class to get some feedback. 


크 열정적인 뒷모습 보이시나요~~

총 4시간의 수업이 끝났습니다~

첫주차! 정말 수고 많으셨어요 여러분!!!


아래는 한 사랑스러운 학생분에게 받은 카톡 내용입니다!


However, before I could get back to my desk, I received a really lovely message from a student on her way home.


쏘 큣~

넘 감사해요 ㅠㅠ

저희도 우리 학생분의 늘 긍정적인 태도에 감사하고 있답니다!!

그럼 다음 2주차 때 뵙겠습니다~



We really appreciate your positive attitude and gratitude for everything we are trying to do to help prepare our students. Looking forward to next week~


[2주차 수업 후기]


이번 영국약대를 준비하는 학생들의 출석률이 정말 좋습니다!!~~

저희 수업을 위해 지방에서 오는 학생들을 보니!~ 보다 더 유익한 수업을 제공해야겠다는 생각이!!~ 강해집니다~~~


Week 2 Chemistry and Biology

I want to give a big shoutout to all the students who traveled from far away to attend our 10:30am class! I am continually impressed by our students who have committed themselves to our Science Saturday~

Moles and bonding were the key words discussed during Saturday morning’s chemistry class. Before getting started, our star tutor Billy went over the answers the worksheet he assigned last week.​ 


[2주차 화학 수업 후기]


2주차 화학 수업부터는 학생들이 조금은 어려워 했던거 같아요~ 특히 문과 학생들이~ 어려워했지만!~

조금씩 공부하다보면!~ 충분히 따라올 수 있을거라 생각합니다!!!


Some of the questions were a bit challenging, so it’s a great think everyone was on time to receive the feedback from our talented tutor.

Chemistry is commonly a class that students think is challenging once they start their foundation courses. Especially for students who did not focus on math and science in Korea. As a reward for their efforts in class, students were presented with their homework assignment for the week. Here is an example of one of the questions. 







I always liked chemistry because it had calculations, graphs and equations. Fun stuff!

After a short break, students were treated to week 2 of their biology lecture. In case you were wondering what our students are learning in their biology class, here is the syllabus put together by our fantastic tutor John!



[2주차 생물 수업 후기]


10월 개강 수업은 6주라~~ 수업이 짧아요!~

대신 수업시간이 좀 더 길어서~~ 커버하는 양은 6월 개강반과 동일하고요!~~

학생들이 수업 전후로 공부해야하는 시간을 키우면!~ 수업 따라오는데 큰 어려움은 없을거에요~ 


The main topics from last weekend for students were enzymes and nucleic acid. I feel like biology

and chemistry go hand in hand. I can’t stress enough how vital these subjects are for our students. 

Especially for students who are interested in nursing, pharmacy or any health science field.

Looking back at the photos from our class, I’m always so proud to see how prepared and ready our students are to study. Especially on a Saturday! How about joining us? There’s always an open seat for you~ 




[3주차 수업 후기]


어느새 3주가 지났습니다!~

2016년부터 시작한 유학 준비반 수업 중 이번 클래스 참석율이 최고입니다!!~~

시간이 갈수록 학생분들끼리 친해지는 모습을 보니!~ 기분이 좋네요!!~~


Week 3 Chemistry and Biology 


Week 3 definitely saw the difficulty in the material reach a new level. Starting the day off with Chemistry, students were introduced to concepts related to bonding, conductivity and electronegativity. Here you can see our tutor going over some of the key definitions for the day.


학생들은 유학준비반과 함께 튜터 마이크와의 일대일 수업을 통해 학업 과정을 서포트 받을 수 있습니다.

영국식 에세이 작성, 자료 수집 방법부터 영어 수업까지~ 학생이 출국 전 준비를 보다 잘 할 수 있도록 모두함께 하고 있습니다!!


Our students have started to develop their own personal ways to absorb the weekly lectures. During 1-1 standard tutorial meetings with me, we go over note taking as one of our main lessons. We discuss pros and cons and various methods and what fits each student’s personality. After this class, I asked students to evaluate their methods and the effectiveness of their plan.


Next Billy proceeded with discussing metals, nonmetals and metalloids. To provide an idea as to the type of questions they studied this week, let’s take a look at some of their homework questions.


아래는 저희 생물 수업 숙제입니다!!!~~ 만약 이글을 읽고 있는 학생분들이 있다면!~ 한번 풀어보세요~~^^​


It is apparent in science how necessary it is to be able to draw accurate diagrams as well as explaining concepts taught in class. The faster students can get away from just merely memorizing information, to actually applying it, the more successful they will be. If this was your homework, could you complete it all? 


처음에는 영어로 Biology를 공부하는것이 조금은 어려울 수 있지만!~ 공부를 하다보면!~ 충분히 할 수 있을거에요~~




Turning over to biology, based on the first image, you can probably guess this week’s topic. Students reviewed their knowledge of cell structures and microscopy. For the most part, the majority of students have learned a lot of the topics in biology compared to chemistry. As a result, they tend to comment they can follow the lecture more easily. However, John makes sure to challenge students with mini quizzes and clear display and mastery of the concepts in his homework. Let's take a look below at his most recent assignment. 


If you have some background knowledge of plant and animal cell structure, why don’t you try filling in the diagrams. Further, can you explain the functions of each component of a cell? If so, you’ve got the basic knowledge. Keep challenging yourself, and join us for class next week! 


Three weeks are finished! Wow, we are already half-way done with all of our classes! Next week, our Saturday classes will take a one week break due to our MMI #4 Seminar and #5 Mock interview day. In fact, many students from Science Saturday will participate in our MMI, so they are still keeping busy. Hope you can join us for the next round!


3주의 수업을 진행하고 4주차에는 수업대신 영국약대 입학을 위한 인터뷰 세미나가 진행됐어요!~

코엑스에서 한국 약사님과 모든 튜터들이 총 출동해~ 영국 약대 인터뷰 준비를 함께 했습니다!!!~~


수업부터 약대 인터뷰 준비까지~~ 차근차근 준비하고 있는 우리 학생들 대견합니다!!!~~



[4주차 수업 후기]


어느새 절반의 수업을 마무리 하고!~ 학생들에게 수업과 함께 파운데이션 시작과 동시에 함께할 VLE 시스템을 소개했습니다.

영국 파운데이션과 대학교 과정 동안 함께할 시스템인 VLE는 나의 과목 정보, 시험 정보, 성적 정보 등 반드시 성공적으로 공부를 하기위한 필수 정보들을 찾을 수 있는 학생 포털입니다!


Week 4


As we’ve covered half of our class, I’d like to introduce another feature of how we try to prepare our students well for their foundation programs. All students will receive access to their respective university’s online system during their induction week. As part of the learning process, students need to be well adjusted to accessing their files and submitting their homework/essays/exams through their ‘virtual learning environments’ or VLE.


아래는 화학 수업 4주차 수업 콘텐츠를 선생님께서 올린 화면입니다!~

For this week, I’d like to mainly focus on what our teachers upload for our students.




학생들은 선생님이 올린 자료들을 다운 받아 미리 공부해서 수업에 참석 할 수 있도록 하고 있습니다!!!~~


짧은 기간 보다 높은 효과를 얻으려면!~ 당연히 예습과 복습은!!!!~~~ 필수겠죵 ㅎㅎ


Here we can easily notice the homework and PPT for week 4 has been uploaded by our chemistry tutor. Files are easily accessible and downloadable for students after their lectures for further review. Students can in-turn submit their homework directly by message, reply or personal email. Getting familiar with this type of educational style will aid in the transition process to university education and communication.




Let’s take a look at the challenging material introduced during this week. Students learned various EER Theory based on the number of electron pairs. In addition, they had to pull from previous knowledge and concepts to ensure their continued progress in the class. 




아래는 생물 과제입니다!~~~~ 이렇게 과제를 하고~~ 수업을 들어야 합니다!!~~ ㅎㅎㅎ


As class went on, students learned about heat energy and chemical reactions. As always, diagrams play an important role in any subject’s comprehension. So take a look at the diagram above, and try your best to explain what is happening.




 As for biology, students continued with their knowledge of cells. This week, the particular focal point was on cell division. From the message above, we can notice the instructor’s insistence on supplementing the class material with a thorough reading of the textbook.

Another important lesson can be learned from this. While some materials are not specifically used or assigned as direct homework, they may still be sources of exam questions. In addition to valuable resources for further comprehension.





If you’d like to test your knowledge of biology, have a look at a few questions from this particular week’s homework assignment. Best of luck, and hoping you’ll join us in the future~




[5주차 수업 후기]


어느새 5번의 수업이 지나갔네요~ 날씨는 좀 더 추워졌고!~~~ 이제 한주만 공부하면 수업을 마무리 한다니~~

아쉽네요 ㅠㅠ


그래도 수업이 지나가지만 학생들의 참여율과 만족도가 높아서!~ 화학 선생님, 생물 선생님 그리고 저~ 모두 행복해 하고 있습니다!!!



Week 5


The second to last week of Science Saturday. As the weather has started to get a bit colder, inside

the classroom, students are studying about energy and chemical reactions.

In every subject, understanding the given vocabulary can make your life as a student so much easier.

As a hint, if you are familiar with common prefixes and suffixes, you can often guess the meaning

of the word. As an example, this week students learned about exothermic and endothermic reactions.

If you didn’t know the meaning of these words, but caught the exo and endo prefixes, then you

probably could have guessed that exo has to do with something going out, while endo deals with

something going in.




Being able to interpret and understand diagrams is also a key component and studying and review.

Whenever you are given diagrams in your lecture, make sure you can explain them without any

issue. They most likely will appear again in a homework assignment or perhaps even your final exam. 





Here are some examples of the most recent homework assignment given. Are you up for the challenge? If so, see you next year for our university preparation classes!

Transitioning to biology, our tutor always is very diligent about uploading and getting his material to students. He often makes realistic ppt slides which require students to pay attention and fill in the required information during lecture. This is a prime example of what students need to practice and gives them the experience and confidence to take a lecture in English. 


아래는 학생들이 조금은 어려워 했던 숙제에요!~~ 한번 풀어보세요^^




As students are in their 5th week of classes, they have grown accustomed to the teaching style of our tutors and have started to participate much more actively in class. Thanks again to our fantastic tutors for their efforts for our SAUK students.




Lastly here is the most recent homework assignment given to our students. Have a look and see how much you can understand. Good luck!




[6주차 수업 후기]


어느새 6주의 시간이 흘렀습니다!~~

감히 "그랜드 파이널"이라고 말할 수 있을만큼~~ 우리 학생들!~ 모두 끝까지 수업을 잘 따라와줬습니다!!~~


이렇게 참여율이 높다니!~~ 정말!~ 학생들 대단합니다!!!!

Week 6


A week after finishing up our English, physics and mathematics classes, Science Saturday also saw its grand finale. To the surprise of no one, we had perfect attendance on our final day, as every seat was filled in our classroom.

 We were so impressed by the dedication of our students, traveling from far away and investing their time every Saturday to prepare chemistry and biology. This definitely fueled and motivated our tutors too, as they always came ready and prepared for class. Just like our Friday classes, I wanted our Science Saturday students to enjoy their final break time together. So, I went to pick up some drinks and sandwiches they could enjoy.



마지막 수업인 만큼 잠깐 쉬는 시간에 간단한 음료와 간식을 함께했습니다!!~~


6주 동안 수업 준비해준 두 선생님께도!~ 감사의 인사를 전하고 싶어요!!!~~


Studying takes a lot of brain power, so students definitely need to re-charge in between lectures.

After students happily chatted throughout the break time, the final biology class was finally upon us.  


You can easily see students are still enjoying their refreshments and maybe wish the break time was a little longer. It was amazing to see the evolution of relationships over the course of 6 short weeks. From a dead-silent classroom, to what sounded like the cafeteria at a high school or university, many students became much more familiar with each other by the end of class.


6주동안 수업을 함께하면서 친해진 학생분들이 마지막 수업을 아쉬워 했지만!~~

앞으로 영국에서도 같은 학교 또는 다른학교에서~ 공부하면서 지금 인연을 이어갈거라 생각해요!~​


6주동안 함께한 학생들께 다시한번 진심으로 감사하고!~

2022년 1월부터 시작하는 학생들!~ 모두 원하는 바를 이루기를 진심으로 바래요~~~


Even though many students’ personal relationships developed well, it was still class time! The final class was focused on the immune system and various types of pathogens. It is truly amazing how our bodies can fight off bacteria and other microscopic organisms. Many thanks again to our lineup of star-studded tutors these past 6 weeks!

If you found our blog interesting, please let us know! If you’d like to join us for the next round of university preparation classes and become one of our students, we’re just a phone call or text message away! 


Thanks for reading,


SAUK Academic Support Tutor


마지막으로~ 6회 수업에 모두 참석한 학생의 상장과 함께!~~~ 2021년 10월 개강반 후기를 마무리 합니다!!