학교 리뷰 The Oxford English Centre 소셜프로그램

작성자 sauk
작성일 2017.02.10
옥스퍼드에서 다양한 소셜 액티비티를 경험해보세요.

축구, 뮤지엄 방문, BBQ, 테이블 테니스, 주말 여행 등을 제공합니다.



축구, 영어워크샵, 파티, 여행 등 매달 다양한 주제로 업데이트 되는 소셜 액티비티를 경험해보세요




Here our lovely students at the Radcliffe Square before the morning activity kicks off!!   




Spanish food 








Cinema night!!


Happy Halloween!!




pumpkin carving


The Oxford English Centre Football Team and winners of the Oxford Football Charity Summer League, All Whites Team!!
Outstanding experience playing football with superb people, our team raised £400 for Jacari Charity, and we ended up second in the league and top scorers of the tournament!! My first experience as captain and could have not been better! What an experience!! Thanks to all!



Britannia group leaving day, BBQ and Salsa lesson and picnic in University Park with our students!!


Dear all! We are back after few days of absence! Nice and cool snaps of May activities! Omani night, tennis table tournamwnt!, vist to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and group pictures!!


Our new highlight! Our table tennis table has been set out in the patio for our students entertainment during their free time! 


First time to run a Bicycle tour as an activity at the OEC. Such a great success! Thanks to Cycle Tours Oxford for your support!


Visits to Bate Music Collection and Stratford Upon Avon!


Last Social Activities of the year at the Oxford English Centre!! Merry Christmas to all of you and thank you for a wonderful year!!!



Oxford University Botanical Gardens visit, pub crawl and many more things on our weekly newsletter!