현지 생활 영국인들이 쓰기좋아하는 표현들 정리 - 2 #추천글 #영어공부

작성자 Brenda
작성일 2015.09.07

안녕하세요 :)

책에선 볼수없었던 생생한 영국식표현 오늘도 한번 정리해봤어요 :) 

저도 처음듣는표현들이 많았고, 들을때마다 "어?잉?" 하게되는 표현들 위주로 8ㅅ8


공부열심히 하신분들은 다아실지도 모르지만 브렌다는 책보고 공부하는 스타일이아니라 하하하핳 

그럼오늘도 열공~!!!!!! 



1.Full steam ahead = with as much energy & enthusiasm as possible.

: We went to get the project finished as soon as possible so it's full steam ahead.


2.To hit a brick wall = face a problem you can not pass.

: Negotiations between the two countries have hit a brick wall &they've failed to reach an agreement.


3.All at sea = completely lost.

: when it comes to complicated mathematics, I'm all at sea. Are you over all at sea? :)


4.To be in two minds = to be unable to decide. (요건 그냥 쉬운표현인데 써먹기좋은!)

: She's in two minds about what to drink. She can't decide between SOJU or MACJU.


5.To sit on the fence = refuse to give an opinion.

: We asked him to tell us what he was thinking but he refused. He just sat on the fence.


6.To be Vain = to Think too much about your appearance.

: She's so Vain She spends the whole day looking in the mirror.


7. To toy with an idea = To think about or consider something.

: We toyed with the idea of having Chinese but in the end we had Italian!


8. (To be) nosy = to be too interested in other people's business.

: She's always asking me questions about my family and where I live. She's really NOSY!


9. To like the sound of your own voice = someone who likes to talk (a lot!!) & doesn't like to listen.

: She thinks her opinions are more important than anyone else's & loves the sound of her own voice!


10. To have a lot on your plat = to have a lot of work to do/problems.

: I've got a lot on my plate with work at the moment so I haven't got time.









오~ 4번 표현 좋은데요!~~~~



오오 잘써먹겠습니다 ㅋㅋ