학교 리뷰 CES harrogate 센터 소셜프로그램

작성자 SAUK
작성일 2017.05.10

CES Harrogate 센터에서 제공하는 다양한 소셜 프로그램입니다.

티타임, 펍 나이트, 주말여행, 테니스, 볼링게임과 함께 학교에서 펼쳐지는 BBQ 파티 !



영어실력을 좀더 높이고 싶다면 다양한 소셜 프로그램에 참여해보세요 ~ 영어 실력이 어느새 쑤욱 ~ 늘어나 있을거예요






Did you know there was an indoor climbing centre in Harrogate? Alex, Yasir, Marco and Florian did, and they showed us how it's done! 


Four of our students went with Michael to the home of The Beatles, Liverpool, yesterday! They even met an all female Beatles tribute band from Japan in The Cavern Club!


Oh I do like to be beside the seaside! Some of our students went with Michael to enjoy the beautiful British summer at the seaside town of Whitby. They visited its famous abbey, had some fun on the beach and even treated themselves to the best fish and chips in the UK!


On Friday evening, we had our summer party. We played a range of games but the highlight was the cream cracker eating competition, which was hotly contested by Alex, Naseer and Ahmed. Ahmed won, and Abdalla, Jan-Willem, Laura and Kanae also won prizes for other games.


It looks like a few balls were lost in the bushes when Alex took some of the students to play mini-golf on Friday!



As well as playing tennis on Friday, some students also went to Knaresborough on Saturday to see the bed race. Luckily, the weather forecast was wrong and it is was a lovely sunny day.


On Friday, John, Anna and some of the students went to Valley Gardens to play tennis. Unfortunately, we don't have any photos of John in action but the rest of them seem to be having a good time!


It looks as if some of our students were very successful at the funfair yesterday judging from the medals, trophies and prizes on display!