학교 리뷰 BSC : British Study Centres Oxford 소셜프로그램

작성자 SAUK
작성일 2017.05.10

British Study Centres 옥스퍼드 에서는 스터디 클럽, 워킹투어, 펍나이트, 주말여행등의 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다. 

사진, CV 등의 다양한 Work shop을 소셜 프로그램으로 제공을 하고 있으며 학생들의 만족도가 매우높아요.



영어 실력을 많이 늘리고 싶다면 다양한 프로그램 참여가 가능한 소셜 프로그램을 이용해보세요. 영어 실력도 늘리고 ~ 재미있게 영어 공부도 할 수 있습니다. 




We are happy that so many students joined another great pub tour last week.


Thanks Maria for teaching our students how to dance and fall over on the ice.


A great dinner at GBK yesterday night ! Thank you to the students for coming !


Excellent tour of Oxford's historical buildings, parks and colleges !

Our students really appreciate THAI food.


A wonderful game of football in Uiversity Parks Everyone had a great time !


Every Friday we are going to take you on a tour of Harry Potter film sets and inspirations !


We went to punting!


Oxford Castle



Fish and Chips 


pumpkin carving

Ice skating



Pictures from the social activities !


Check out these snaps from this week's dinner at the Atomic Burger. We hope you had a great time yesterday night


Check out these snaps from last week's visit to Christchurch College. We hope you had a great time


Check out these snaps from last week's visit to the Pitt Rivers museum. We hope you had a great time


Check out these snaps from last week's pub tour... Fantastic turn out everyone! We hope you had a great night.


Yesterday evening our students got to enjoy a good ole fashioned English cuppa - and some tasty treats too!


Check out these photos from Tuesday's dinner at The Greek Taverna! Thanks for coming along everyone


Check out these photos from Friday's trip to Blenheim Palace, birthplace of Sir Winston Churchill! BONUS: It didn't rain! Thanks for coming along everyone