현지 생활 영국에서 제가 자주들은 표현들 정리해봤어요.. (짧게...) #추천글 #영어공부

작성자 Brenda
작성일 2015.08.27


안녕하세요옹오...? 제가 영국생활하면서 많이들은 표현들과 숙어몇개 정리해봤어요~ 

설명은 영어로하는게 더 이해 잘되시고 공부되실거같아서 영어로 썼어요.

(한국어로 번역하면 좀 이상해지는것도 없지않아있어요ㅎ)


최대한 쉽게 풀어봤는데.. 어떤것들은 이미 많은분들이 아시는표현이실수도있어요! 

그냥 영국인들이 쓰기 좋아하는걸로 적어봤어요 8ㅅ8

그럼 열공!! 


1. To be/feel under the weather = to feel unwell.

: I'm sorry but I'm going to stay at home tonight. I feel a bit under the weather.


2. To get the hang of = to understand how to do something.

: Speaking Chinese is difficult, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.


3. To soak/get soaked = to get wet/put in water.

: It suddenly started raining & now  I'm soaked.


4. Hectic = very busy

: It's been a really hectic day. I think I need a lie down.


5. On the ball = To be up-to date & know what is happening.

if you're on the ball then you'r up-to date with thinks and you know what's going on.

: My teacher is really on the ball. She always knows the answer to my questions.


6. To mingle = to mix socially.

: Mingling is a great way to meet people at a party.


7. A piece of cake = simple,very easy.

It's an idioms that describe something very simple.

: Once you've learnt how to ride a bike, It's a piece of cake.


8. To be a bundle of nerves = to be extremely nervous.

: I hate going to the dentist. I'm a bundle of nerves.


9. Not your cup of tea = something a person doesn't like or is interested in

: I have no interest in cricket, It's just not my cup of tea.


10. Chock a block = It means to be totally full of people or things.

: The car park is chock a block, we'll have to stop somewhere else.






어느새~ 우리 브렌다가~
제가 모르는 영어 표현을 쓰기 시작했군요!
나 영국가면 좀 가르쳐 줘요 ㅎㅎㅎ