학교 리뷰 BSC : British Study Centres York 소셜프로그램

작성자 SAUK
작성일 2017.05.10

British Study Centres 요크에서는 스터디 클럽, 워킹투어, 펍나이트, 주말여행등의 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다. 

​또한 사진, CV 등의 다양한 Work shop을 소셜 프로그램을 제공하오니 연수기간동안 많이 참여해보세요.



영어 실력을 많이 늘리고 싶다면 다양한 프로그램 참여가 가능한 소셜 프로그램을 이용해보세요. 영어 실력도 늘리고 ~ 재미있게 영어 공부도 할 수 있습니다. 


Our student had a great time on their trip to Keswick last weekend !


watching the Christmas tree






Halloween party




Our students had a great time play volleyball with teacher Emily a few weeks ago. Look how nice the sunshine was!




Our students had a great visit to the seaside over the weekend! They had fish and chips and walked along the beach.




Our student's had a great time at the Ghost Hunt of York last night! 


Students from Helen's Business class put together an open mic night where they shared food from their countries and performed for each other to raise money for the Action Aid Nepal Emergency Appeal. We raised £245.05 altogether!



Last week in Social Activities: We visited the Yorkshire Wildlife Park and had our very own table tennis competition!