학교 리뷰 ELC Eastbourne 소셜 프로그램

작성자 SAUK
작성일 2017.05.10


남부 해안 도시 이스트본의 ELC Eastbourne 소셜 액티비티를 경험해보세요.

카레이팅, 볼링, 워크투어, 주말 여행, 회화클럽, 펍나이트등 다양한 프로그램을 즐길 수 있어요.



영어 스피킹을 잘하고 싶은가요? 그럼 소셜액티브티 참여를 적극적으로 해보세요!!!



Queuing up for the first BBQ of the year, yummo!



Last week we had a lovely group from Varese, Italy! Here are a few photos from their stay, including a very sunny trip to London!



Happy Red Nose Day!

Here at ELC Eastbourne we set ourselves the goal of raising £75 for Comic Relief by selling red noses, and holding a bake sale on the Friday. If we reached that goal, our Centre Manager John Veale Elc Eastbourne said he would shave off all his hair!

Today, lots of red noses were worn, and lots of cakes were eaten, and at the end of it all we had raised exactly £100! A huge thank you to everyone here at the school who took the time to bake food and bring it in to sell for a good cause.

Here are some pictures of the event, and a certain Centre Manager getting a haircut!




We played against LTC Eastbourne yesterday in a heated football match and we came out victorious!


We had a Halloween gathering last night !


Today our lovely Turkish students prepared some Turkish food for everyone! Here are snaps from the wonderful dishes they prepared!


Fun after bowling


Mario Kart this afternoon! it got rather competitive!

A fun Conversation Club at a local cafe! The hot chocolate was amazing!


We had a lovely lunch yesterday! Chicken Pittas!


Remembering when we had our 80th birthday party earlier this year!


it's Valentines week


It's a burger at lunch kind of day!


A traditional cream tea with our beautiful students = Delicious!!!




Mexican lunch~~~




It was pub night last night! We all played some great games of pool and watched the football

Holloween party !!

Students had a brilliant time cooking today with our fantastic teacher Katherine. Damien says; 'So good and funny, Thank you for your job and thank you very much Katherine!!' 

The amazing Harry potter cupcake masterclass!!


Conversation club today 'Can money buy you happiness?'


A great afternoon: Beachy Head, Seven Sisters Bike ride and an English Cream Tea


The next Tiger Woods



A goodbye breakfast!! Safe travels and don't be strangers 


Karaoke night


The perfect Horse riding today


Relive the 2015 Eastbourne summer days with our wonderful EMY friends! 


Dream it, believe it, achieve it 


 Poker Night 


Party at School