학교 리뷰 LAL London 소셜프로그램

작성자 SAUK Tess
작성일 2017.05.10

LAL 런던에서는 매주 다양한 소셜 액티브티 프로그램을 진행합니다.

베이킹, 펍, 나이트, 피크닉, 뮤지엄 방문, 스터디 클럽 등 주중을 알차게 보낼 수 있어요.



영어 실력을 높이기 위해 고민이라면, 다양한 소셜 프로그램을 참여해보세요. 영어 듣기와 말하기 등 모든 실력이 어느새 쑥쑥 늘어나 있을거예요.

Have you ever been to Windsor Castle? We are here today, learning English and having fun!






We are having a fantastic international food Friday in one of our classes today!






October outing to Central London !



That is how we started our week : with new lovely students enjoying a nice cp of coffee at their very fast of classes!




Last week's Sale at LAL London : LAL London students let the money talk !!


Simone's class whipped up some delicious scones this morning! Happy Friday all!


We wrapped up warm and had a great walk along Southbank

We had a great walk around central London



Speed Friending was a success this morning!

Korean food party


We have some exciting leisure in store for you!





Students and staff created a great selection of cakes for our charity bake sale today! All donations are going to Children in Need.




Students had a very interactive lesson yesterday. Two classes joined up to play role plays games...

Another successful Baking Class.


This week we walked along Southbank and visited Shakespeare's magnificent Globe Theatre


Sports in the Park again tomorrow! It's set to be good weather for it. 
We are meeting at 14:30 in reception


Students enjoyed a sunny trip to St Paul's Cathedral yesterday

Twickenham Festival begins today! Pick up a brochure from reception and stay up to date with all the festivities!




Location: LAL London


It's that time of year again, for Games in the Park!

LONDON MARKETS (particularly good at the weekend)


Now this is what you call a British tea party!



Come and discover some of Twickenham's historical "drinking holes" with us tomorrow!

무료 스터디 클럽