학교 리뷰 Eurocentres Cambridge 센터 소셜프로그램
유로센타 캠브리지에서는 매주 다양한 소셜 프로그램을 제공합니다.
유로센터의 아카데믹한 학습 분위기와 다양한 소셜 프로그램으로 연수를 알차게 보내보세요~
영어실력을 늘리고 싶다면 ~ 매주 다양하게 제공되는 소셜 프로그램을 이용해보세요 ~
Thanks to everybody who participated in the Table Tennis Tournament. Thanks for the exciting matches, the nice atmosphere and of course the amazing audience.
Congratulations to our winner Achmed and all the other players who gave their best!!!
PS: If you have any pictures or videos just post them into the comment section and let us know if you would like another tournament!
Here are some pics from last week's Bowling! Tag yourselves and your friends in the pics guys
Coffee and Conversation with Gill
Come have a cup of coffeeand a chat with Gill at Fitzbillies this Friday. Fitzbillies is a lovely little café that is close to school and famous for delicious cakes.
Meet new friends, practice your speaking and have some Friday afternoon fun!
Culture Club: Shaespeare