학교 리뷰 카플란 옥스퍼드 센터 소셜프로그램

작성자 SAUK Tess
작성일 2018.04.16

카플란에서는 수업시작일 당일 새로운 학생들을 위한 오리엔테이션 부터 시작해서 방과후 다양한 소셜 액티브티 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다.  펍나이트, BBP파티, 근교 투어 여행, 뮤지엄 방문등 다양하다.







A great night @ Atomic Pizza with Kaplan Family.



Kaplan Fun Bowling Night !



Punting - a quintessentially oxford activity


New College of The University of Oxford


Pub Crawl with Morris Dancers.


lfflley Village Walk - Svetlana Delerue


Congratulations to Tatiana, our Student of the Month!!!



 An unforgettable experience - speak to Lana if you want to find out more about Kaplan Skydiving Trips!



 Welcome drinks




Chinese New Year Celebration




Valentine's and Pancake




Bowling night








New students!



Thank You to all the lovely people who brought some delicious food to share!







A great night of socialising and friend making!



Halloween party




Cultural Afternoon @ Natural History & Pitt Rivers Museums





Pre-Edinburgh Show of Shakespeare's Macbeth.



Kaplan Football Team had a session with a professional coach



Kaplan BBQ & Karaoke






Kaplan Punting




새로운 학생들을 위한 Welcome Drinks



Our Fun Brazilian BBQ with Zumba, Salsa & Karaoke




Natural History & Pitt Rivers Museums



Strawberry Picking @ Medley Manor Farm.




Pub Crawl with Morris Dancers


Laser Kombat for Real Survivors



Oxford Fun Run




 Port Meadow Walk