학교 리뷰 st Giles London Central 세인트자일 런던센트럴 소셜프로그램

작성자 SAUK Tess

세인트자일 st giles 런던 센트럴 센터에서 제공되는 소셜 액티브티 프로그램 일정소식입니다.

펍나이트, 런던근교여행 등 다양한 프로그램에 참가할 수 있습니다.



외국인 친구들과의 추억을 남기고 싶다면 다양한 소셜 프로그램을 참여해보세요. 잊지 못할 추억이 생길꺼예요.








Students and teachers alike had a brilliant afternoon of games and fun



Meditation workshop



St Giles teacher Emma loving the arts and crafts table








Last Friday, St Giles London Central students ran around London solving clues for prizes and were treated to a picnic in our roof garden at the end 





 St Giles London Central Charity Concert






Students and teachers enjoyed a feast of homecooked food from all over the world today - feeling very full now!

A big thanks to everyone who made and bought food, we raised a lot of money for charity



 Last week, one of our students gave a fascinating talk about her Grandfather's experience during the war, followed by origami-making. There was a presentation afterwards where we had an opportunity to make a crane, the Japanese symbol of peace.



On Friday 29th January, St.Giles London Central had its 3rd beer festival. Students had the opportunity to sample 4 traditional British Ales. It was a wonderful evening and everyone had a fantastic time!



Traditional Christmas Dinner with St.Giles London Central. Only 5 places left