학교 리뷰 IH London 소셜프로그램 일정

작성자 SAUK Tess
작성일 2018.09.06





매해 150개국에서 8,000여명의 학생들이 선택하는 International House London


소셜 프로그램은 주중 액티브티와 주말 여행으로 구분되며 소셜코디네이터 James가 일정을 짜고 있다. 

오후에 제임스를 찾아 자세한 액티브티 일정을 확인할 수 있으며 2주마다 새로운 일정으로 알차게 짜여져 있다. 
소셜액티브티 일정 보러가기 클릭


처음 낯선 곳에서 영어와 친구 사귀기가 중요한 만큼 첫 한달 만큼은 소셜 프로그램을 적극적으로 참여해 보자.





Do not miss the Milingual Opening Drinks this evening! Everyone is welcome from 6 pm in the Sky Lounge. See you there!




Our Advanced English class and their teacher Kezzie visited the @museumoflondon yesterday and had loads of fun!


We are particularly delighted with Kezzie's selfie in the last pic! 






Happy Monday everyone! For a bit of #mondaymotivation we wanted to share with you some pics from our very first International Food Day at IH London. The day was such a great success among both students and staff. 



From homemade scones to Spanish chorizo and Bulgarian Banechke, students and staff had prepared something for everyone and it was all delicious!

The best part was seeing our teachers be so proud of their students using English to communicate with other students outside of the class



Join us tomorrow for an afternoon Picnic! Starting at 4.30pm at Lincoln's Inn Fields (very close to Holborn station). Bring some food or drink from your own culture and look out for the IH white gazebo. See you there!





(Our Social Programme visited London Fashion weekend.)  

our Social Programme had an audio tour of Windsor Castle, a royal residence in England, and the world famous Eton boarding school in Berkshire.



Our Social Programme went Go Karting on 22.08.16. Our Social Programme is a great way to practice your English and also make new friends. 

Here's a look at a trip to the Museum of London that our students took recently!

The Social Programme visited Dublin, Ireland from 22-24 July, 2016. The group arrived by ferry, and took part in a range of cultural activities.
The Social Programme looking happy at the BBC Proms last week! Visit the Social Programme desk for updates on our new schedule.

Our Social Programme enjoyed a traditional English day out watching West Ham Football Club yesterday!



The Social Programme visited Bounce, the home of Ping Pong. 


Congratulations to all of our IH London students and teachers for participating in our Great Sports Relief Bake Off Cake Sale!  we've collected over £214 for Sports Relief this year! 

Our modern languages team laid out an impressive selection of charcuterie and cheeses



Our students had a great time at the Bloomsbury Lanes Bowling Alley this week. Lots of excitement, fun and memories made!







H London students have had the pleasure of attending Wimbledon, one of the world’s greatest sporting events, twice in the last two weeks.

Thanks to our social programme team, students have been able to acquire ground tickets and once in the grounds have been able to get to see a number of games at the All England Tennis club. 

Although yesterday was our last trip to the tournament for this year we will be heading to Wimbledon again next summer and for the remainder of summer 2015 we have an action pact social programme. So be sure to visit James and his team on the ground floor to find out what’s happening over the coming weeks.