LSI Portsmouth 최신 국적비율 23년 4월!

4월 첫째주는 7%, 둘째주부터는 1-3% 재학중! 낮은 한인비율 찾는 분들에게 추천

작성일 2023.04.04


LSI 포츠머스 23년 4월 국적비율 업데이트


Current week: 03/04/2023 - 07/04/2023

Total number of students: 96
Nationality mix: 
Saudi - 30%
China - 9%
Japan - 9%
Korea - 7%
Ukraine - 6%
Switzerland - 4%
Germany - 3%
Brazil - 2%
(Plus 12 other nationalities)

Total 1 year: 04/04/2022 - 07/04/2023
Total number of students: 829
Nationality mix:
Saudi - 24%
Switzerland - 16%
Spain - 8%
Japan - 6%
Germany - 6%
China - 6%
France - 5%
Italy - 4%
(Plus 44 other nationalities)