EC ENGLISH 23년 1월 영국 전센터 국적비율 & 학생수 업데이트

EC 어학원. 영국 런던, 캠브리지, 브라이튼, 브리스톨, 맨체스터 각 센터 한인비율 업데이트. 0%에서 7%로 낮은편임

작성일 2023.01.09



EC어학원 센터별 시간표




런던센터 정보

2023년 1월 학교 데이터


LONDON (Double banking) / 30+ single banking


No of students (all):170-220

No of students (30+): 80

Nationality mix (all):Brazilian 19%, Saudi Arabian 12%, Japanese 12%,Korean 7%, French 3%, Others 47%

Available levels (under 30):Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate,Intermediate, Upper- Intermediate, Pre- Advanced, Advanced

Available levels (30+):  Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate,Intermediate, Upper- Intermediate, Pre- Advanced, Advanced

Available special focus classes (under 30 & 30+):English for work,English in the City, Speaking with confidence., Expand your

vocabulary, Grammar for real communication

Other available courses: Business English (30+), IELTS preparation

No of Korean students & ratio: 17 (7%)


캠브리지 센터 정보

CAMBRIDGE (Single banking AM or PM)


No of students:30-80

Nationality mix: Saudi Arabian 34%, Brazilian 24%, Turkish 18%,Japanese 8%, French 2%, Others 14%

Available levels: Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced

Available special focus classes: Expand Your Vocabulary, IELTS ExamSkills

Other available courses : IELTS Exam prep, Uni bridge, Fast Track

No of Korean students & ratio: 0 (0%)


브라이튼센터 정보

BRIGHTON (Double banking)


No of students:100-150

Nationality Mix:  Saudi Arabian 40%, Turkish 12%, Brazilian 11%,Kuwaiti 9%, Korean 5%, Others 31%

Available levels: Beginner/Elementary, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate,Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Pre Advanced, Advanced

Available special focus classes:  English for work, Survival skills,Speaking with confidence, Grammar in Real contexts, English In The City & Speaking

Others : IELTS Exam prep, Cambridge Exam prep

No of Korean students & ratio: 7 (5%)


브리스톨 센터정보


BRISTOL (Double banking) 

No of students: 80-130

Nationality mix: Saudi Arabian 52%, Japanese 7%, Kuwaiti 6%, Turkish

5%, Brazilian 4%, Others 26%

Available levels: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-

Intermediate, Advanced

Available special focus classes: English for Work, Grammar in real

communication, Expand your vocabulary

Other available courses: IELTS exam preparation

No of Korean students & ratio:  1 (1%)


맨체스터 센터정보

MANCHESTER (Single banking)


No of students: 80-130

Nationality mix: Saudi Arabian 48%, Kuwaiti 15%, Turkish 4%, Brazilian3%, Korean 3% Others 27%

Available levels: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced

Available special focus classes: Speaking with Confidence, Exam Skills,Grammar for Real Communication

No of Koreans & ratio: 3 (3%)




자세한 시간대는 차이가 있을 수 있으나 영국 센터 기본 시간표는 아래와 같습니다.

런던, 브리스톨 센터에서 더블뱅킹 시간표가 실행됩니다.

캠브리지 센터는 부킹시 학비가 져렴한 오후 수업 코스를 선택할 수 있습니다.


싱글 뱅킹 시간표


주20레슨: Core Class를 매일 수강

주30레슨: Core Class + Special Focus Class를 매일 수강


더블 뱅킹 시간표


주20레슨: Core Class A 혹은 B를 매일 수강

주30레슨: Core Class  A 혹은 B + Special Focus Class를 매일 수강​