온캠퍼스 런던 - UCAS 오퍼 현황 (22년 5월 기준)

파트너 대학인 골드스미스, 퀸메리, 로얄할로웨이 뿐 아니라 LSE, 더럼, KCL, 러프버러, 바스, 에딘버러, 브리스톨, 요크, 리즈, SOAS, UAL, 맨체스터, 버밍험, 카디프, 리버플, 노팅험 등 영국 탑 대학으로부터 오퍼를 받았습니다.

작성일 2022.05.26


5월은 여러가지로 의미 있는 달인데 제가 개인적으로 매년 5월을 기다리는  이유  하나는 바로 온캠퍼스의 대표 학교  하나인 ONCAMPUS London  UCAS 오퍼 현황이 발표 되는 달이기 때문입니다 


올해도 어김없이 ONCAMPUS London IFP, UFP 파운데이션 학생들의 UCAS 오퍼 현황을 공유 드립니다.

파트너 대학인 골드스미스퀸메리로얄할로웨이  아니라 LSE, 더럼, KCL, 러프버러바스에딘버러브리스톨요크리즈, SOAS, UAL, 맨체스터버밍험카디프리버플노팅험  영국  대학으로부터 오퍼를 받았습니다. 




학생들이 어느 학교 무슨 전공으로도 오퍼를 받았는지도 궁금하실 텐데 현재까지 학생들이 받은 오퍼가 +500  넘기 때문에 ONCAMPUS London 파트너 대학을 제외하고 한국 학생들에게 인기 많은 대학 위주로 추려 봤습니다.



Accounting and Finance | Politics and Economics


King’s College London

Political Economy | Physics | Mathematics | Physics with Astrophysics and Cosmology | Culture, Media and Creative Industries | Film Studies | War Studies | International Relations | Digital Media and Culture | Philosophy | Nutritional Sciences


Durham University

Business & Management | Accounting & Management


University of Bristol

Computer Science | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Physics with Astrophysics | History of Art | Physiological Science


University of Bath

International Management | Sport Management and Coaching | Criminology | Politics and International Relations


Loughborough University

Sport Management


The University of Manchester

Psychology | International Management | Management | Computer Science and Mathematics with Industrial Experience | Film and Television Studies


University of Birmingham

Business Management | Accounting and Finance | Business Management with Marketing | Physics


University of York

History of Art | Interactive Media | Philosophy | Education


University of Glasgow

Classics | History | Economics | Mathematics | History of Art


The University of Edinburgh

History | Philosophy


Lancaster University

Business Management | Economics | Software Engineering


University of Exeter

Business Economics | Marketing and Management | Law with Business | Environmental Science


University of Leeds

Cultural and Media Studies | Global Creative Industries | History of Art | International Relations


University of Southampton

Accounting and Finance | Business Management| Mathematics |Economics and Finance | Fashion Marketing | Software Engineering | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Computer Science | Physics | Mathematics



Media Communications | Film Practice | Sound Arts

University of Sheffield

Business Management | Accounting and Financial Management | Mathematics | Digital Media and Society


Cardiff University

Business Management | Philosophy| Biochemistry


University of Liverpool

International Relations| Electrical Engineering and Electronics | Biochemistry


Coventry University

Global Marketing | Sport Management | Business Management | Business and Marketing| Global Business Management | Electrical and Electronic Engineering | Media and Communications | Nutrition and Health | Pharmacology


온캠퍼스 런던 학생들이 매년 눈에 띄는 결과를 얻는 대는 학생들의 엄청난 노력에 온캠퍼스 런던의 서포트가  스푼  해져 나온 결과라고 생각합니다.

온캠퍼스 런던의 Head of Progression  Laura 씨의 영상을 통해 파운데이션 과정  대학 지원에 대해 어떤 서포트가 이루어지고 있는지 확인해 보실  있습니다.