더럼대학교 프리마스터 새로운 석사전공 진학보장 : MDS Data Science
작성일 2021.05.06
더럼대학교 데이터 사이언스 석사전공. 프리마스터 과정통해 진학가능!
올해 9월부터 프리마스터 과정을 시작하면 내년 9월 더럼대학교 데이터사이언스 석사로의 진학이 보장된다!
사이언스, 엔지니어링 프리마스터를 선택하고 2텀 또는 3텀 중 선택.
석사로의 진학요건은 프리마스터 과목에서 평균 70%성적 맞추고 영어 60% 맞추면된다!
단, 모든 학생들이 진학이 되는건 아니며 10명으로 정원이 제한된다!
Durham University International Study Centre is delighted to announce the addition of a new progression degree, MDS Master of Data Science.
The one-year postgraduate degree is available for progression from the Pre-Masters in Science and Engineering from September 2021. Students can study either the two-term or three-term Pre-Masters programme and progress to this degree, upon achieving the required grades (70% overall/GPA and 60% in English/AES).
The MDS Data Science degree at Durham University is suitable for students who hold a first degree that is not highly quantitative, including those in social sciences, the arts and humanities. The introductory modules bring students with non-technical degrees up to speed, focusing on understanding in practice. The core modules introduce students to the full range of data science methods with the optional modules allowing them to focus on an area of interest. Full details about the MDS degree can be found here.
Due to the sheer amount of complex data being collected in today’s world and the increased need for data scientists, it has become one of the fastest growing career areas.
Please note: places are limited to 10 for this progression degree.