벨러비스컬리지 영어과정 인정 영국대학교 71개.

학부 진학시 IELTS 성적표 제출 대신 벨러비스컬리지 아카데믹 영어점수로 대체 받을수 있다!

작성일 2021.04.28


Academic English Skills (AES) accepted in lieu of IELTS


벨러비스 영어 수업 Academic English Skills (AES) 인정 대학 71 개
아래 대학의 경우 진학 시 IELTS 요구 안함​


Aberystwyth University  Anglia Ruskin University   Arts University Bournemouth   Aston University
Bangor University   Birmingham City University   Brunel University    Cardiff Metropolitan 
Cardiff University   City University of London   Coventry University    De Montfort University 
Durham University   Goldsmiths University of London  Heriot Watt University   HULT International Business School
Istituto Marangoni   IUBH, Germany     Keele University     Kingston University  
Lancaster University  Leeds Arts University   Leeds Beckett University   Liverpool Hope University 
Liverpool John Moores  London South Bank University  Loughborough University    Northumbria University 
Norwich University of the Arts Nottingham Trent University   Oxford Brookes University   Queen Mary, University of London
Regents University   Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland  Royal Holloway, University    SOAS University of London  
Southampton Solent University St Mary's University   Swansea University    University of Aberdeen
University of Bath   University of Birmingham   University of Bradford    University of Bristol  
University of Central Lancashire University of Chester   University of Chichester    University of Derby  
University of Dundee  University of East Anglia   University of East London   University of Exeter  
University of Gloucestershire  University of Greenwich    University of Kent     University of Leeds  
University of Leicester  University of Lincoln   University of Plymouth   University of Portsmouth 
University of Reading   University of Roehampton   University of South Wales   University of Southampton 
University of Strathclyde  University of Surrey    University of Sussex   University of the West of England
University of Westminster  University of Winchester   University of Wolverhampton 