본머스예술대학교 2020년 9월 시작. 코스별 개강시기 확정

Undergraduate & Foundation Arrangements for starting at Arts University Bournemouth 2020/21

작성일 2020.06.09


본머스예술대학교 2020/21년도 코스별 개강일 확정


코로나 19로 인해 영국대학교들의 개강일이 변경되고 있는 와중에 본머스예술대학교에서도 올해 코스별 개강일을 확정하였다.


Foundation Art and Design (full year): starts 14 September

  • 1st Year Undergraduate BA courses: induction week starts 12 October
  • 1st Year Undergraduate BA courses: teaching starts 19 October

    파운데이션 과정 개강일은 9월 14일

    학부 1학년 과정 개강일은 10월 19일. 인덕션은 10월 12일입니다.


    아래 내용 참고해주세요~



    AUB’s campus and facilities will open again for the start of the 2020/21 academic year – we’d love to see you there! 
    The safety and wellbeing of the whole AUB community is always paramount, and we’ve committed to developing a robust plan for the start of term. Appropriate measures are being put in place for a safe presence on campus, and these will be reviewed regularly throughout the year to ensure your safety while maintaining the outstanding teaching and learning we’re so very proud of. 
    To ensure as safe and smooth a start as possible, AUB has revised the autumn term start dates, with some year groups commencing at different times. Dates for newly arriving students are listed below, and a complete list for the full 2020/21 academic year can be found here:


     Rounded Rectangle: See dates


    • Foundation Art and Design (full year): starts 14 September
    • 1st Year Undergraduate BA courses: induction week starts 12 October
    • 1st Year Undergraduate BA courses: teaching starts 19 October

    (See full list of dates above for direct entries into Years 2 and 3)