[코로나19 업데이트] 영국, 네덜란드 ISC, 벨러비스컬리지 2020년 3월 16일 현황

2020년 3월 16일 업데이트 받은 영국 isc, 네덜란드 isc, 벨러비스컬리지의 코로나 대응 현황입니다.

작성일 2020.03.16


영국 사립 보딩스쿨 벨러비스컬리지로 부터 받은 코로나 19 관련 업데이트 입니다.


업데이트 전문

Saturday 14th March 2020

Covid-19 update – UK and Europe


We understand that there is growing concern around the impact of COVID-19 in the UK and Europe, and that you are receiving an increased amount of questions from students and parents. All of our actions are firmly in line with government recommendations. This enables us to provide an appropriate response to COVID-19 which is tailored to local circumstances.


Our actions continue to be guided by medical advice from government and public health authorities, as well as taking into account the decisions about teaching made by the universities and colleges in which we are based, and of course the well-being of our students. However, in this fast moving situation we know that students will have a number of questions, so we will be issuing further advice in the coming days.



As of 12th March 2020, the guidance from Public Health England is that any person with a high temperature or a new continuous cough should self-isolate for 7 days to protect others in the community.


3월 12일부터 영국보건부의 안내에 따르면 고열, 지속적인 기침을 하는 사람은 7일동안 자기격리를 해야한다.



The Dutch government is requesting that all universities and institutions of higher professional education (HBO) offer online lectures instead of large-scale lectures.


네덜란드 정부는 모든 대학교 ,기관은 대규모의 강의 대신 온랑ㄴ 수업으로 대체되어야한다고 공표.



The Irish government has taken the decision to close all schools and colleges until 29 March 2020. This means that University College Dublin (UCD) International Study Centre will be closed to all teaching from 6pm today (12 March) until 29 March 2020. Student accommodation remains open.


아일랜드 정부는 모든 스쿨, 컬리지는 2020년 3월 19일까지 휴교를 해야한다고 발표했습니다.


Guidance for current students 현재 재학생을 위한 가이던스

All our staff and students have been instructed on what to do if they feel unwell, and our welfare teams are trained to support students who have health concerns.

You may be aware that an increasing number of universities in the UK and Europe are introducing online learning in the place of face-to-face teaching. Accommodation, student services and access to campus facilities typically continue to be available to students in these circumstances.

Our International Study Centre staff are in regular contact with students to provide more specific advice based on their individual circumstances and ensure that they have all the support they need on campus.

All of our actions are guided by medical advice from the government and public health authorities, as well as the teaching decisions made by our university and college partners.

We are advising all current students not to travel at this time if possible. All students will be able to remain in their accommodation or with host families.

# 현재 모든 직원과 학생들은 컨디션에 문제가 생길 경우 어떻게 해야하는지 교육 완료 된 상태

# 현재 대부분의 대학교들이 온라인 수업으로 대체되고 있음


Many students have told us that they are concerned for their own health and for their families back home. If they contact you, please advise them that:

If students wish to stay and continue their studies, we will support them in doing this. Depending on which centre students are based in, this may involve a move to online teaching and learning. We will advise students of the local approach as more information becomes available.


많은 학생들이 현재의 본인 건강에 대해 걱정을 하고 있는 상태로 귀국을 원하는 경우가 많습니다.

학생이 계속 영국에 체류를 하고 공부를 계속 이어가고 싶다면 학교에서는 서포트를 하겠다고 밝혔습니다.

센터에 따라 다르며 온라인 강의로 대체될수도 있다고합니다.


If students wish to return home and continue their studies, we will again support them in that decision. We will seek to make learning materials available online so they can study as much as possible until they return.


학생이 귀국을 한 후 학업을 이어가고 싶다면? 학교에서는 온라인 러닝 자료를 통해 공부를 계속 할수있도록 서포트하고 다시 영국 입국 후 공부를 할수있도록 서포트


If students wish to leave and defer their studies, we will work with them to enable this. This process will be very specific to each student’s individual circumstances, so we will provide more information to students early next week on how to approach this option.


학생이 휴학을 하고 수업을 연기하고 싶다면? 이 경우 학교에서는 학생들에게 다음주까지 어떻게 해야하는지 정보를 줄수 있다고 합니다.


Travel guidance for prospective students

Government travel advice is being updated daily and many countries now have travel restrictions that could affect students’ ability to travel to and from the UK and Europe. If they are able to travel, we expect students to be in the country by the course start date so that we can arrange appropriate support.

We are developing solutions to minimise disruption to study plans for students who are unable to travel due to long-term visa or travel restrictions. If you think that your students will be unable to arrive by the published course start date, please let us know so that we can help you find an alternative for them to defer their studies.

Government health and travel advice is being updated regularly. We will contact any students that are directly impacted by changes, but please do check local government travel advice and any emails we send so that you can provide accurate guidance for your students.