워릭대학교 파운데이션 2020년9월시작 장학금 발표

총 50,000파운드의 장학금. 1500~5000파운드 장학금을 다양한 영역별로 제공됩니다.

작성일 2019.11.18



2020년 9월 시작하는 워릭대학교 파운데이션 장학금 공지


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2020-21 Scholarships Announced

Warwick Foundation Studies is pleased to announce that it will award up to £50,000 of academic scholarship to outstanding applicants who join the 2020-21 Warwick IFP programme.

Successful scholars will receive between £1,500 - £5,000 towards the payment of the course tuition fee. Applicants will automatically be assessed for a scholarship if they receive an offer for the Warwick IFP and pay their academic deposit before 31 May 2020.

Available Scholarships

Director's Scholarship

Our prestigious Director's Scholarships are reserved for outstanding students who demonstrate exemplary prior academic achievements and commitment to their future studies and degree.

How many scholarships are there: A maximum of two (2) Director's Scholarships can be issued each year

How much is it worth: Each Director's Scholarship is worth £5,000 from your Tuition Fee

IFP Science Scholarship

Our Science Scholarships are available for students applying for the following courses:

  1. Computer Science [D-FP18]
  2. Engineering [D-FP19]
  3. Physical Sciences [D-FP20]
  4. Life Sciences [D-FP21]
  5. Psychology [D-FP22]

How much is it worth: Each Science Scholarship is worth £3,000 from your Tuition Fee

IFP Law and Social Science Scholarship

Our Law and Social Science Scholarships are available for students applying for the following courses:

  1. Social Science [D-FP23]
  2. Law and Politics [D-FP24]

How much is it worth: Each Law and Social Science Scholarship is worth £3,000 from your Tuition Fee

IFP Arts and Humanities Scholarship

Our Arts and Humanities Scholarships are available for students applying for the following course:

  1. Arts and Humanities [D-FP25]

How much is it worth: Each Arts and Humanities Scholarship is worth £3,000 from your Tuition Fee

IFP Regional Scholarships

There is a range of scholarships available for students who are resident of particular countries:

  1. IFP Regional Scholarship 1: Malaysia & Indonesia
  2. IFP Regional Scholarship 2: Russia & Kazakhstan
  3. IFP Regional Scholarship 3: Japan & South Korea
  4. IFP Regional Scholarship 4: Nigeria & Kenya

How much is it worth: Each Regional Scholarship is worth £2,000 from your IFP Tuition Fee

Eligible Courses: All Warwick IFP Courses for 2020-21

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible, you must:

What are we looking for?

Initially, we will be reviewing your Personal Statement, so please ensure that you pay attention to our guidance before making your application.

We want to see a student with lots of academic potential, who has a clear enthusiasm for their particular subject area.

A strong answer to the third question in your Personal Statement will be particularly important.

What is the process?

We'll be automatically considering applicants who have accepted a Conditional Offer and paid their academic deposit for the course by 31 May 2020, and will be shortlisting these applicants based on their Personal Statement and academic background (for the Director's Scholarship). Applicants who have already applied for the course before the launch of the scholarship will also be considered.

We will then invite shortlisted students to take part in an online video interview with either our Head of Department or Director of Studies in late June.

Scholarship winners will be announced by the end of July.

If you have any questions about the scholarship process, please contact the team.

Terms and Conditions

  1. In order to be considered for any of our academic scholarships, you must submit an application for the Warwick IFP 2020-21 programme, receive an offer of a place and pay the £2,000GBP academic deposit by 31 May 2020
  2. To be eligible for a course-specific scholarship you must apply for one of the following courses: Computer Science [D-FP18], Engineering [D-FP19], Physical Sciences [D-FP20], Life Sciences [D-FP21], Psychology [D-FP22], Social Science [D-FP23], Law and Politics [D-FP24], Arts and Humanities [D-FP25]
  3. To be eligible for the IFP Regional Scholarships you must be domiciled in one of the following countries: Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Japan, South Korea, Nigeria or Kenya
  4. In order to be eligible for any of our academic scholarships, you must be self-funding and not in receipt of any other fee scholarships or fee award from the University of Warwick or elsewhere.
  5. The department reserves the right to re-distribute the award of scholarships or no issue scholarships in the event that candidates for any scholarship category do not meet the criteria for a successful award